Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu

Estonian Marine Institute is one of many Tartu University’s contemporary scientific institutions. The main purpose of Estonian Marine Institute is marine research and promotion of the given sphere in Estonia and the Baltic region.

In the preparation process, Estonian Marine Institute (EMI) has mainly coordinated the development of Work Package 2, but contributed actively to the overall project description. In project implementation, EMI will supprot the Lead Partner in project management by carrying out partner responsibilities. Also, EMI will lead Work Package 2 on coherence and gaps analysis of initial assessments. A senior expert currently managing the national marine monitoring program will be involved in Work Packages 1 and 2.

In Work Package 3, EMI is responsible for the topic of marine litter, will conduct a pilot study on this topic and will participate in the activities related to non-indigenous species. In Work Package 4, EMI will utilise its experience in running marine monitoring program (including experience in using autonomous plankton sampling systems), will lead the review on this topic and gap analysis of current existing marine environmental monitoring activities in the sub-region in relation to MSFD requirements.


Georg Martin

Henn Ojaveer

Kristina Tiivel

Central Baltic Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus
The content of the publication reflects the authors views and the Managing Authority cannot be held liable for the information published by the project partners.

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