Analysis of initial assessments

In order to implement the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Member States shall, in respect of each marine region or sub-region concerned, make an initial assessment of their marine waters consisting of:

Main focus of the work package 2 is to perform detailed analysis of Estonian, Latvian, and Finnish initial assessments for coherence and gaps. An analysis of coherence of methodologies and concepts describing environmental status and evaluation of pressures and impacts (including human activities) as well as gaps analysis will be performed.

Once coherence and gaps in knowledge are identified, recommendations for harmonization of assessment schemes are prepared. Also proposals for integration of approaches in reporting procedures for different directives (MSFD, Water Framework Directive, and possibly with Habitat Directive) will be developed.

A seminar for authorities and experts preparing initial assessments will be arranged in Tallinn in April 2012.

Central Baltic Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus
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