Economic and social analysis

Work package 5 contributes to the development of coordinated, cost-effective and efficient programs of policy measures to achieve good environmental status in the Baltic Sea.

Activities of work package 5 include exchanging information and experiences and conducting studies on the economic and social analysis of countries’ marine water use, the business-as-usual (BAU) scenario development, the costs of degradation analysis, the cost-effectiveness and socio-economic impact analysis of measures.

The planned outputs will include improved national information and knowledge bases as well as institutional capacities for preparing the socio-economic analysis of programs of measures according to the MSFD and recommendations for harmonizing national methodologies for the socio-economic analysis of programs of measures.

Central Baltic Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus
The content of the publication reflects the authors views and the Managing Authority cannot be held liable for the information published by the project partners.

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