
The main aim of the project is to support coherent and coordinated implementation of Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in the central and north-eastern sub-regions of the Baltic Sea – in the Gulf of Finland, northern part of the Baltic Proper and Gulf of Riga. In order to achieve the completion of the main goal, several smaller targets have been set.

One of the objectives of the GES-REG project is to ensure consistency of methodologies across the sub-region in assessing good environmental status by analyzing draft initial assessments required by MSFD. The project also sees to it that trans-boundary impacts are taken into consideration when assessing the pressures and impacts including human activities. Gaps in knowledge base are defined.

The project aims to increase knowledge and provide guidance for harmonized use of descriptors, criteria, and indicators in defining good environmental status, especially for those descriptors insufficiently addressed so far, such as food webs, non-indigenous species, marine litter, and underwater noise.

Another goal of the project is to identify a scientifically sound and cost-effective joint monitoring and assessment scheme in the sub-region by suggesting joint observational network with possible shared responsibilities and infrastructures; but also giving guidance for methods of using operational modelling results in assessment and aggregation of indicators.

The project targets to ensure coherence of the assessments concerning the elements of the initial socio-economic analysis. Recommendations will be elaborated to develop a programme of measures required to achieve good environmental status of the marine sub-region (and the Baltic Sea as a whole) and capacity building in the field of economic and social analysis.

An additional objective of the project is to demonstrate that close cooperation of institutions from member states sharing a marine sub-region will create synergy supporting the efficient implementation of MSFD.

Central Baltic Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus
The content of the publication reflects the authors views and the Managing Authority cannot be held liable for the information published by the project partners.

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