Ministry of the Environment of Estonia

The activities of the Ministry of the Environment focus on the utilisation of natural resources and environmental protection, balanced development of economic and social spheres, ensuring a well- functioning system necessary for the achievement thereof as well as the purposeful and well- considered use of resources allocated to environmental protection.

The Ministry of the Environment of Estonia is the competent authority in Estonia in the field of marine environmental policy responsible for development of a marine strategy for its marine waters with the aim to achieve and maintain good environmental status of those waters. The Ministry of the Environment was one of the initiators of the preparation of GES-REG project bringing together key partners from neighboring countries sharing the same marine region.

In the framework of Work Package 1 The Ministry of the Environment will participate in the work of the project’s Steering Group and will be responsible for communication, publicity and dissemination of results. In Work Package 2 the Ministry of the Environment focuses on harmonization of initial assessment schemes and approaches required by MSFD and other EU directives. In Work Package 4 the Ministry of the Environment will participate in development of a joint monitoring and assessment programme for the sub-region. In Work Package 5 the Ministry of the Environment has the role of providing data and guidance on the consistency of the methodologies for the initial socio-economic analysis across the marine sub-region.


Marek Nurmik

Agnes Villmann

Central Baltic Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus
The content of the publication reflects the authors views and the Managing Authority cannot be held liable for the information published by the project partners.

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