Estonian Institute for Sustainable Development/Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre

Estonian Institute for Sustainable Development (SEIT) is a key national expert on environment and energy, sustainable development and number of policy issues in the Estonian society.

Estonian Institute for Sustainable Development was actively involved in the preparation process, recruiting additional partners from Finland and Sweden, coordinating the development of Work Package 5, and assisting the Lead Partner in collecting information (administrative as well as financial) from partners. During project implementation, SEIT will support the Lead Partner in project management (Work Package 1) by carrying out partner responsibilities.

In Work Package 2, SEIT will participate in the analysis of initial assessments. SEIT is the leader of Work Package 5 and therefore coordinates the overall tasks for harmonizing methodologies and knowledge base for economic and social analysis (ESA) among participating countries. The main task is analysing national initial assessment reports from socio-economic aspects; coordinating methods for the cost of degradation analysis; carrying out Estonian study on ecosystem benefits valuation and coordinating institutional capacity building. SEIT is also involved in coordinating methodologies to improve business as usual scenarios and methods for ESA programme of policy measures, lead by Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology.


Tea Nõmmann

Aljona Karlõševa

Central Baltic Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus
The content of the publication reflects the authors views and the Managing Authority cannot be held liable for the information published by the project partners.

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