Project management and coordination
Work package 1 is dedicated to the high quality administrative and financial management and coordination of the project. This includes reporting to the Managing Authority of the Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013, organizing partner seminars and project Steering Group meetings; but also communication within and outside the project to ensure publicity and dissemination of results.
Since the main goal of the project is to support environmental management in order to achieve good environmental status of the Baltic Sea, the main target groups of communication activites are environmental authorities in all participating countries, institutions responsible for carrying out marine monitoring, other stakeholders in the region including those using marine goods and services, Baltic Sea wide organizations such as HELCOM as well as the general public. In relation to the economic and social analysis the target groups are also national statistics organizations.
Internal communication between project partners is facilitated via partner and Steering Group meetings, work package meetings and Skype conferences. Leaflets and booklets introducing the project’s aims and results will be published during and after the end of the project.